The forms are listed numerically. Note: Each form is saved as either a Microsoft® Word, Excel, or Adobe® Acrobat® PDF file.
If you have any questions regarding any form listed on this page, please contact a Multifamily representative.
Important Legal Notice
Any multifamily lender is authorized to reproduce verbatim and use the forms accessible from this page solely in the course of its regular lending business activities. All other restrictions described in the Legal Information section of the Web site remain in full effect. All conditions applicable to Fannie Mae approved Multifamily Lenders remain in full effect. All users are advised that most changes to the Fannie Mae form Loan Documents (even those made using a standard Fannie Mae modification Exhibit or Schedule) must be approved in writing by Fannie Mae prior to the delivery for purchase of any Multifamily Loan to Fannie Mae.
The forms accessible from this page are revised on a regular basis. Fannie Mae is not responsible to notify any user, other than Fannie Mae approved Multifamily Lenders, of any changes made to the Loan Documents. The user is responsible for determining whether it has the most up-to-date publication.