How To Create A Staff Handbook For Your Childcare

staff handbook for childcare

Your staff handbook is the blueprint for your childcare’s operations. By creating a staff handbook, you can ensure that your employees are aware of your daycare’s values, beliefs, and expectations. Your employee handbook also offers a level of protection when situations arise as protocols are clearly outlined. Use your employee handbook as a guide to help staff members thrive and seamlessly integrate into your childcare.

The Importance of an Employee Handbook

An employee handbook outlines policies and procedures your assistant or staff are expected to understand and follow. This can also be used as a support tool to help with staff onboarding and training. Think of your handbook as a roadmap when it comes to operating your center.

staff handbook for childcare

When situations arise at your childcare, you’ll be able to reference your handbook for guidance on handling the situation. Your employee handbook will clearly outline the rules at your center along with the expectations and responsibilities of your staff. This ensures all faculty are on the same page, helps avoid conflict, and creates a unified business culture.

What to Include in Your Employee Handbook

Your employee handbook should cover the ins and outs of working at your childcare. This will include job descriptions, dress code requirements, time-off procedures, conduct policies, and more.

Daycare Staff Handbook Template


The introduction to your handbook will provide a high-level overview of your daycare. Include a welcome letter to your staff, the history of your childcare, and your mission and vision. This will clearly outline your brand and values, setting the tone for future expectations.

Related Reading:

State Requirements

To begin you’ll want to make sure you’re familiar with labor laws in your state. This will help you understand what you need to offer in terms of leave laws, severance, unemployment, etc. You should also look into what your state licensing regulations require in regards to a handbook. Some have specific requirements but others do not.

Childcare Employee Handbook

Job Description and Details

Next, outline the various job descriptions and responsibilities of various positions at your childcare. Be sure to include information like offered benefits, time-off, holidays, number of sick days allotted, etc.


Your policies and operating information will take up a large portion of your handbook as they outline protocol and set your expectations of staff members. Be sure to include the following policies in your handbook:

Child Care Center Policies and Procedures

Operating Information

Your operation policies include the day-to-day functions of your childcare. Be sure to include the following information so all staff and parents understand your daycare’s protocol:

Tip: When in doubt, reference NAEYC’s Code of Ethics.

Related Reading:

If you’re faced with a situation you haven’t prepared for and are unsure of how to handle it, refer to NAEYC’s Code of Ethical Conduct to ensure your childcare is compliant and the situation is handled properly.

Orientation and Training Information

When new staff members join your daycare, make sure they’re aware of how they’ll be onboarded. Include any orientation or training information in your handbook. Whether they’ll use training materials, shadow a teacher, or have a mentor, make sure they’re fully aware of these procedures.

retaining staff members at your daycare

Emergency procedures

If your center is closing due to inclement weather, experiences a medical emergency or a fire outbreak, etc., make sure a plan is in place. Outline your emergency procedures in your handbook to help ensure the safety of both your staff and the children in your care.

Related Reading:

Contact Information

Include your childcare’s contact information along with who staff should contact if they have questions or concerns regarding the handbook. You can also use this section to collect your staff member’s contact information.

Signature page

Finally, have you and your staff members sign your handbook as a sign that you both have read it and agree to the terms.

For a full sample of a staff handbook to use at your center, see this template from Child Care Aware.

This binder kit makes creating your employee handbook so easy!

staff handbook for childcare

Marissa Schneggenburger is the Marketing Coordinator at Kangarootime and is experienced in content marketing. Marissa attended St. John Fisher College and received a B.S. in Marketing with minors in Finance and Spanish. Marissa also completed her MBA in Strategic Marketing from Niagara University. Marissa is passionate about the childcare industry and providing informative and engaging content.

— Guest Author, Marissa Schneggenburger

About Kangarootime

Kangarootime is the leading all-in-one childcare management software for daycares and preschools. With billing and invoicing capabilities, parent communication and staff management tools, and classroom automation, Kangarootime helps childcare centers grow and scale. To learn more about optimizing your center with Kangarootime, visit