Presentation on theme: "WEEK 4 CURRICULUM EVALUATION"— Presentation transcript:

Fakulti Pendidikan Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam

2 Introduction This lecture will consist of the following:
Curriculum Evaluation: Types, Purposes, Procedures CIPP Model

6 What is Assessment? Assessment is the process of gathering data. More specifically, assessment is the ways instructors gather data about their teaching and their students’ learning (Hanna & Dettmer, 2004). The data provide a picture of a range of activities using different forms of assessment such as: pre-tests, observations, and examinations.

7 What is Evaluation? Once these data are gathered, you can then evaluate the student’s performance. Evaluation, therefore, draws on one’s judgment to determine the overall value of an outcome based on the assessment data. It is in the decision making process then, where we design ways to improve the recognized weaknesses, gaps, or deficiencies.

9 Definition of Curriculum Evaluation
Making judgments about the desirability of certain changes in students + using info to change teaching and the curriculum.

10 Definition Various definitions:
Tyler (1950): the process of determining to what extend educational objectives are being attained. Borg & Gall (1983): the process of making judgment about the merit, value or worth of educational prog, projects, materials and techniques.

11 Definition Smith & Glass (1987): The process of establishing value judgments based on evidence about a program / product. Stufflebeam et al. (1971): The process of delineating, obtaining & providing useful info for judging decision alternatives.

12 Definition Provus (1971): the comparison of performance to some standards to determine whether discrepancies existed.

13 Why it is important? To determine the outcomes of the programme
To help deciding whether to accept or reject a programme To ascertain the need for the revision of the course content To help in future development of the curriculum material To improve methods of teaching and instructional techniques

14 Types of Assessment Scriven (1967) 1) Formative assessment
on-going program program improvement provide data about educational program  to assist developer in improving the program

15 Types of Assessment 2) Summative assessment
done at the completion of a program concerned with overall effectiveness of the program Provide data to determine the worth of the program

16 Evaluation in Curriculum Development
Evaluation – part of the curriculum development process. Enables curriculum makers reviewing and modifying – to cater the current and future needs.

17 Evaluation in curriculum development
Curriculum should be continuously reviewed & reviewed. WHY??

18 In meeting the ever changing needs
Maintaining and sustaining: In meeting the ever changing needs Quality Relevance Adequacy Quantity

19 Evaluation in curriculum development
QUESTIONS SHOULD BE ASKED: Are the program (curriculum) meeting existing or expected needs? Does the program contain extraneous and outdated materials? Are the students able to perform adequately once they finish their study?

20 Evaluation in curriculum development
Wentling (1980): EVALUATION MUST DO MORE THAN : Just analyse the extend to which a program had adhered to an original plan. OR attained its primary goals and objectives.

21 Evaluation in curriculum development
So, based on Wentling’s (1980) suggestion.. Curriculum evaluation needs to go beyond the assessment of students’ behaviour. It should include the overall effect on students, teachers and society.

22 Evaluation in curriculum development
The task of evaluating the curriculum involves a COMPLEX PROCESS. A comprehensive evaluation framework or model is necessary to achieve a systematic, effective and efficient evaluation.

24 Model (framework) for Curriculum Evaluation